martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Pale Larus michahellis 1cy

Gaviota patiamarilla Larus michahellis michahellis. Puerto de Málaga. July 27, 2010.

This bird is in the limit of the palest range of Mediterranean Yellow-Legged Gull. Such a white tertials are very uncommon (very Herring-like). Greater coverts are mostly white, with scarce brown marks. Primary white tips.

Tail pattern is typical for Med michahellis.

A single scapular is moulted on the right side. Postjuvenal (or first prealternate) moult rapidly extends to head, neck, breast and underparts. Med YLG develop a dark mask around the eye very soon in the summer. Whitish underparts in July is also a good clue for michahellis.

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