Los que nos volvemos locos con las gaviotas, nos exaltamos con lo mínimo, un simple lance, una especie común...qué más da, son gaviotas ;-)
De todas las opiniones vertidas, la más factible me parece la de Dani López, un híbrido de Larus canus x Larus fuscus. Son raros, es cierto, pero es que esta gaviota...es rara!
What is this bird? This gull has mixed features of several species: rounded head of Common, bicolor bill of Delaware or Herring, intermediate size between Common and Lesser Black-Backed; scapulars, coverts and tertials of LBBG, clear cut primary window of...
Opinions up to date:
Hybrid Larus fuscus x argentatus
Larus canus
Odd Larus michahellis
Aberrant Larus fuscus
Larus argentatus
Hybrid Larus canus x Larus fuscus
a big puzzle!!!
This is a LBBG ringed as Baltic Gull (L.f.fuscus) in N Norway. Some features point directly to intermedius, and only the mantle color and moult are good for nominal ssp. This bird was ringed as pullus in 2006, so it's a 4cy or 3º winter bird. I've never noticed a Baltic Gull in 4cy with such a barring in head and upper breast, medium iris and black bill. On the other hand, primary moult fits good with Baltic, as well as the dark mantle. I think this bird is not a Baltic Gull or, at least, not a pure Baltic. Probably an intermedius with a moult mimicking Baltic? There's a lot of work to be done about this!
Three Caspian Gulls were seen last weekend in Galicia (NW Spain), and another bird was present in Asturies. Here I show images of 2 of the birds, observed last December 7. The whole Caspian pictures belong to these 2 individuals, one in Cariño harbour and other in Lago fish farm.
Vamos con el ejemplar de Lago, un 1cy típico, excepto en el barrado de las axilares y el color de las coberteras alares.
Larus cachinanns 1cy, Lago. Su aspecto blanquecino destaca claramente entre otros 1cy de michahellis lusitanus. Note the obvious differences against 1cy michahellis lusitanus.
Gavioteando el otro día por Madrid Río, fui testigo de un lance cuanto menos curioso. No lo protagonizó ninguna gaviota sino dos machos de a...